I'm enjoying my vacation. The rain is pouring down and I'm roaming the net.
My last post dealt with the possible consequences of being old in politics. Some seem to believe that it is possible for an old politician could do something naughty without sacrificing their career. Well, how about doing the right thing? Some people seem to have created a new society without saying so and that is wrong since it seem to involve criminality.
I have realized that certain conversation topics turns my conversant into an avenger of misconduct. The poor soul barks like a dog. Probably as a result of obedience to "system rules".
I wish there was some politician that became real and started a conversation about something very important. As I have pointed out in earlier posts, there is crime in the air and it can get worse. We need to stop this.
Another important matter is the concept of God. I discussed my views on this topic before in my blog and they have not changed. I'm bringing it up because I found some time to read Richard Dawkin's The God Delusion or Illusionen om Gud as it is called in Swedish. I have discussed the content of the book in my blog before. I should say that I, unlike Dawkins, respect people of faith and think the selection of the word "delusion" might be a little too much, too psychiatric.
I found an interesting reference to the world of politics. Thomas Jefferson, the drafter of the Independence Declaration of 1796 says: A professorship in theology should not have a place in our Constitution. Dawkins himself don't really think theology is a subject at all. I didn't know this when I a while ago wrote that I believe scientists are on a track of finding out about God whereas theologians are not. This is because I subscribe to Spinoza's idea that God is Nature. As I see it agape or love is then part of Nature. Dawkins is very clever. He describes a God concept that Einstein had. Thus creating an intelligent haven for those so inclined. Einstein apparently thought that a personalized God concept was naïve.
Charlotte Therese links to a test made by the Humanists. It is supposed to probe my religiosity and I couldn't resist doing it after having performed another test stating that the movie character that I am most like is Batman. The Humanist's test told me I might be an agnostic which I know I'm not. But then again, I don't really feel like Batman either. However, political tests that I performed before the EP election told me I was a liberal, something I had concluded earlier. However, I became a little suspicious when the test that Aftonbladet.se featured made me more social democratic than other tests?
What then is theology all about? Well, since people of little knowledge and intelligence very well can be religious the theological formalism is possibly created as a bulwark for defending faith. Making it look impressive. Clever clerics can use their knowledge to snare an individual of lesser knowledge in theology to convince those in need of its importance. I have experience of this. When I confronted catholics with the problem of cloning, which proves a catholic dogma about the origin of life wrong, they tried to talk me down argumentatively, not logically.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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