Samuel P Huntington was one of Francis Fukuyama's teachers and is most known for his pamphlet The Clash of Civilizations. Fukuyama writes in the Afterword from 2006 of his influencial book The End of History and the Last Man the following:
"Huntington is quite correct when he says that the historical origin of modern secular liberal democracy lies in Christianity which is not an original view. Hegel, Tocqueville and Nietzsche, among many other thinkers, have argued that modern democracy is a secular version of the Christian doctrine of the universal dignity of man, and that this is now understood as a nonreligious political doctrine of human rights. In my opinion, there is no question that this is the case from a historical point of view.
But while modern liberal democracy has its roots in this particular cultural soil, the issue is whether these ideas may become detached from these particular origins and have a significance for people who live in non-Christian cultures. The scientific method, on which our modern technological cililization rests, also appeared for contingent historical reasons at a certain moment in the history of early modern Europe, based on the thought of philosophers like Francis Bacon and René Descartes. But once the scientific method was invented, it became the posession for all of mankind, and was usable whether you were Asian, African or Indian."
The question then is whether science have a positive influence on human rights because then liberal democracy might be transferable to for example the Chinese culture? It might via the science of psychology unless the psychology of the Chinese differ from ours. Since the sudden death of behavioralism, psychology have made enormous progress due to the fact that minds can be read. Minds can be read on people that does not know of this and of people that cooperate. Thus psychology knows how people think about human rights. What they prefer. I have a feeling the answer is out there but a little hard to come by. Whether this research was ethical or not is an other question.
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