Den utrikespolitiska hemlighetskulturen är farligare än Wikileaks « Karl Sigfrid: "Den utrikespolitiska hemlighetskulturen är betydligt skadligare än vad Wikileaks verksamhet någonsin kan bli."
If you say that the world should be able to read all what diplomats in the US State Department writes, you might as well extrapolate and say that the world should be able to read all emails that the Swedes write. A while ago there was a debate in Sweden about a government agency, FRA, that might be able to eavesdrop on your communications. Why trust the US diplomatic corps with something the Swedes in general do?
It so happens that I found out that people can, via the internet, access my hard disk on my computer when I have a regular broadband coupling. In other words they can browse my email correspondence if they want and have the access address and the knowledge to do so. The question then becomes do we want this to become general knowledge and do we want full disclosure of all emails of everyone?
I would in this context also suggest a thought experiment. Let us say that it is possible to see what people think, on the internet. Furthermore, it would be possible for people to communicate via thinking. Should it then be possible for all people to monitor these communications? Total disclosure of human thinking and no privacy what so ever.
There might be a very severe risk with the latter scenario. It might represent a more authoritarian political system where people become afraid of thinking or saying certain things. After all, it is different writing a post on a blog for the world and talking with your best friend. The risk is severe because the scientific revolution in our culture might depend on individual initiatives in thoughts. Would we be in the process of creating a world system of authoritarian rule that is stagnating in innovation in such case?
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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