Now finally we have the Lisbon Treaty that will make Europe more like a nation. I know there is people for and against this notion but I firmly believe the time has come for a United Europe. However, many emphasized the EU is just serving the member states and it is not something by itself. A philosophical question with great practical implications. Unfortunately there is ambivalence for the European project currently and this is so wrong. Remember that if you have talent in the US it does not matter where you come from. In Europe people tend to retain a nationalist perspective where you promote your own country before the Union. This is internationally costly.
President Obama's administration clearly indicated that a multipolar world is emerging. This mean that we are having new players that are larger than before and that the many small countries in Europe must come together for staying in the game. The Lisbon Treaty will give us a president and a high representative for foreign policy that will make it easier for people around the world to register a Europe on the map rather than having to try to integrate the interests of 27 nations.
Margot Wallström started a forum called Debate Europe a while ago that I found interesting. I learned that it is impossible to discuss the very important language question. My conclusion was that it would be good if most countries accepted English as a second language after the native one. It is a matter of keeping English as the World language of science and technoloogy. The other thing I realized was that the UK is doubting the EU project. David Cameron, the leader of the Tories in the UK, has promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty if it is not ready when he probably comes to power during 2010. The risk is now that the Czechs will delay their signature until the election in the UK. The Lisbon Treaty makes it possible for a country to leave the EU and lets hope a conservative England does not do just that.
Many people have guessed that Tony Blair, the late Labour leader of Great Britain, would become President for the EU during the first 2.5 years. Blair became a Catholic which would make this more probable due to the Catholic nature of the Continent. A devout president is also favorable for the trans-Atlantic relations. I think he would be an excellent candidate because I agree with him about George W. Bush and Iraq something that is a draw back for him in Europe in general. I would not mind seeing Carl Bildt as high representative but I would not be surprised if a more russophile individual will be elected. Will we see an Asian shift of Europe or will it stay Atlanticist?
There is one risk with a more assertive EU, however, speaking of its foreign policy, and that is for Israel. The relations have not been good since Avigdor Lieberman became foreign minster. According to The Jerusalem Post the relationship with the US is back on track for Israel so the situation is not so serious as it seemed a few months ago. People don't talk about this in Sweden much but 30% of Europeans think the Jews started the financial crisis according to a recent poll. The rising muslim population in Europe is part of this problem but I hope it will not deteriorate further.
Another problem for Bildt as a high representative would be the enlargement issue. Sweden is pro-Turkey. Berlin, Paris and Rome are against adding Turkey to the union. I agree with the Continental notion on this matter but I am for the inclusion of the Balkan states. Apparently Bildt is managing this question well under the Swedish chairmanship since the problem with Croatia and Slovenia seems to have found a solution. Ukraine is of course a major issue but I would advocate a wait and see approach. Russia just changed the telephone country code to Abkhazia and South Ossetia to their own so they are telling everyone what they think. The problem with Russian thoughts, however, seems to be that they depend largely on the price of oil.
What I also hope will emanate from a more defined EU is that a more permanent president will find time to make Europe front line in science again. EU might be the most secure place to be on Earth but it is not the best in science and technology. The US and Japan have beaten us on this and China and India is catching up quickly. Japan was also ravaged by World War II so we can not make this excuse. I believe a more united leadership would solve this problem. The question is if an Euro club lead would motivate more countries to integrate into core European values and thus motivate more mobility in science that I believe would be very important for its development. Centers of excellence will have to be defined and effectively utilized. Due to the multipolarity power situation important information that used to be published for all to see is now staying in the respective power centers which makes self reliance important.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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