Dick Erixon — I hjärtat rebell: "En gång i tiden stod partier och politiker på medborgarnas sida. Idag är står de på Maktens sida. Statsmaktens sida. Myndighetsmaktens sida. Varför? Politiker har blivit överhetens handgångna män och kvinnor. Riksdagsledamöter är myndigheternas torpeder, som genomför allehanda åtgärder som stärker statens makt och försätter medborgarna i förmynderi"
Well, I think this is an interesting starting point for a discussion, or speculation rather, about what is currently going on in a country such as Sweden. I don't subscribe fully to the above idea because I think it is a little more complicated. People have lost trust in political parties but that doesn't mean they don't trust anything. I believe that something in the civil society has taken over their trust. After all, people are quite content. Just for the sake of explanation a directorship in a "system" of sorts. People have agglutinated in society. It might be dangerous to yell too much on the Afghans. We are becoming more tribal and thus more hard to govern as a unifying state has less trust. Just look at the Latvians that are giving up their sovereignty and directing themselves to EU?
This leaves the politicians in charge of the state as interlocutors to the people. However, they might just have hotlines to the system chiefs? They might seem like "överhetens handgångna män" but politicians are severely constrained managing the complicated state apparatus. This gives them an aloof status. The politician is probably going to need more and more training in order to function. It is becoming a profession in itself. This poses a problem when it comes to integrating politicians that are coming from outside as people that have become popular in some other way. This makes the FRA-law less important as it is related to the state and not to the civil organizations that have lost privacy in an other fashion.
There might be a certain tug-of-war between systems and the state but it has not become official, yet. However, so called systems can be very "förmyndande" as well. There are also people in the so called "outsideship" that I hereby give another definition: people not associated with a system. Integration of foreigners is very difficult because it involves getting people accepted into the systems. Foreigners also form systems by themselves. Probably sometimes even with sharia laws. Power is being transferred to the systems. So are international contacts.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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