Sverige har hamnat på efterkälken Brännpunkt SvD: "De senaste 20 åren har en enda svensk fått ett Nobelpris (Arvid Carlsson, medicinpriset år 2000). Under de 20 åren dessförinnan, 1970 till 1989, fick nio svenskar ta emot Nobelpris."
I would like to introduce another perspective in this debate. It is reasonable to suppose that today's kids are not less intelligent than their predecessors. Then why are they not as good in mathematics or physics? Are they occupied with something else as for example "rollspel", ie, games where you try to outsmart your friends?
It takes time to learn how to con people and it is not beneficial for the ambiance in school which can be seen in the increasing problem with "mobbing". My question is if the children of today have grown up without their traditional family bonds? Without their parents guidance? Is it really a problem with the school but rather with "skolorna"?
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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