It is 1:47 am and I'm waiting for Obama's speech which is supposed to begin at 2 am. According to The New York Times and The White House web site Obama's message will be troop increase plus exit strategy in as short time as after July 2011. The fast exit is supposed to follow a quick build-up for the increased pressure of next summer. I read somewhere that the intensity of fighting has gone up each year and that it is more extensive during summer.
A Gallup poll shows that the approval for Obama's handling of the Afghanistan war is down to 35% in November 20 and that it has fallen from 56% in mid-July via 49% in mid-September. It is falling at the same rate among Republicans, Moderates and Democrats. These results are however before the information of build-up and exit.
It is 2:42 am and I found a copy of the text to the speech. There is no essential new information. They enter fast with 30,000 new soldiers and begin withdrawal after 18 months. I don't think I could have expected a faster exit than this. The speech gives me a feeling that Obama definitely wants to be out of Iraq and Afghanistan before the next election.
Vi måste öka takten för att skydda Europa
1 dag sedan
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