Climate scientist James Hansen hopes summit will fail - Times Online: "A leading scientist acclaimed as the grandfather of global warming has denounced the Copenhagen summit on climate change next week as a farce"
Well, I thought I'd take the opportunity to learn a little about where the climate change debate is standing during the COP15 meeting. However, I'm surprised over the heavy attacks towards the meeting. It indeed seems confusing now. On the radio somebody said that there is no opposition anymore against the main tenets of climate change, ie, the temperature rise and the culpability of mankind. I'm apparently supposed to draw the conclusion that yes something should be done but there is no consensus on what exactly?
Now a so called grandfather of climate change is against the meeting itself and an icon like the cap and trade system. He wants to tax carbon directly instead. He is apparently telling people to start the same civil unrest as during the Vietnam war in the US in the process.
COP15 is an interesting feature. It is a measurement of what the world currently can muster on collaboration in the face of supposed danger. Should I draw the conclusion that there is not sufficient danger? Or is it that it so happens that the world is just emerging from a financial crisis that would make a suggestion to tax carbon directly economical suicide.
Is James Hansen a clown rather than COP15 being a farce?
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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UN is run by private enterprise.
Doing colonial con games
ripping off the public since 1945.
UN sells global contracts for multinationals and speaks of Global Confidence in the political poker game out off one side of the mouth and the "Rescuing of humanity by taxing breath" out of the other.
All done by a staff of con artists smiling and perpetrating the corporate rip offs of this world.
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