A religion based on Religious Humanism would depend on that the interest mankind has for the super natural can be moved to the unknown that is natural. Albert Einstein, although he is not a theologian, but theologians deal with the super natural, says like this:
"To suspect that there is something behind what we can perceive and that our intellect not can grasp and that its beauty and sublimeness only reach us indirectly and diffusely -- this is religiousness. In that sense I am religious".
Richard Dawkins, the super atheist, says that in that sense he is also religious, if 'not can grasp' not necessarily means 'not can grasp forever'. However, Dawkins has no respect for believers and call Einstein an intellectual traitor. Dawkins does not think religious people deserve respect for their faith something he details in the first chapter of his book The God Delusion. Einstein himself says he is not a believer but Dawkins still calls him a traitor.
Like Einstein and Dawkins, I am also religious in this way. I do have respect for the faith of religious people though. Faith lies close to the personality and it is therefore insulting to disrespect it. For me, however, this religiousness has a faith component. I have faith in the unknown that is natural. I believe in its potential. I think the goal of mankind is to find out more. I can, and I believe many others also can, transfer my biologic worship quest to the unknown and natural, which has the advantage that science fuse with religion.
It can then be assumed that I believe that the unknown that is natural is immense. This is by no means obvious but if you write up a history of the scientific revolution as it pan down over the last 500 years an see the development and its degree of progress so far there is some support. I would like to end with a citation from Carl Sagan's book Pale Blue Dot:
"How come none of the grand religions have contemplated science and drawn the conclusion: This is better than we assumed! The Universe is much larger than our prophets believed, grander, more elegant? Instead they say: No, no, no! My God is a small God, and I want him to remain small. A religion, old or new, that pointed out the grandness of the Universe as modern science has described it for us, could summon reserves of reverence and dread like conventional religions hardly touched."
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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