Foreign born in Sweden 2008

There are 1.3m foreign born individuals, about 12%, in Sweden 2008 according to scb.se. The twenty most populous nations of birth are:

1. Finland, 175,113
2. Iraq, 109,446
3. Yugoslavia, 72,285
4. Poland, 63,822
5. Iran, 57,633
6. Bosnia-Hercegovina, 55,960
7. Germany, 46,854
8. Denmark, 46,167
9. Norway, 44,310
10. Turkey, 39,230
11. Chile, 28,118
12. Thailand, 25,858
13. Somalia, 25, 159
14. Lebanon, 23,291
15. United Kingdom, 19,460
16. Syria, 18,786
17. China, 18,256
18. Romania, 17,352
19. USA, 15,901
20. India, 15,263

In the Melting Pot, USA 2000, there was 280m people and 11% were foreign born. 52% from Latin America, 26% from Asia, 16% from Europe and 6% from other areas of the world.

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