Med tron som vapen Ledare Aftonbladet: "Man behöver inte ha läst CS Lewis för att förstå att vi inte agerar på det här sättet. Vi är inte enbart vårt själviska egenintresse. Och i verkligheten ökar arbetslösheten i Sverige snabbare än i EU trots Borgs reformer. Och trots en något bättre exportutveckling."
KK (Katrine Kielos?) tries to argue that Anders Borg think that we work only because of egoistic concerns. Obviously Borg understands that people work for many reasons, many that are altruistic. However, if I have understood what Alliansen is trying to do, it is preventing people from getting stuck in the so called outsideship after a crisis, which have been a pattern for some time now. Borg did not say why that is in his talk on the meeting Nya Moderaterna held recently. Probably because it is unknown. Therefore it is going to be guesswork to get out of this situation. Belief but not faith.
The logic then is if you can make people richer, i.e., more free, in the insideship this might stimulate people to activate themselves to get a job and become more free. To liberate people. This is more honorable than just complacently accepting people on welfare in the outsideship even if it creates an increased gap between the have and the have nots which happens to be the object of the plan. There is apparently also data from research that speak in this direction.
The red-greens might have plans for people in the outsideship? To create a clandestine workmarket of semi-slaves that serve the establishment? I can witness to the existence of such strategies. Then I think that it is more moral to try engaging people in the outsideship so they can live free instead of in bondage.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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