KD måste forma en borgerlig jämställdhetspolitik SvD: "Kristdemokraterna skulle kunna formulera en borgerlig jämställdhetspolitik som bygger på alla människors lika värde och möjligheter snarare än på tanken om 50/50, som handlar om att jämställdhet endast kan uppnås när exempelvis föräldrarna delar exakt lika på föräldraförsäkringen eller när statsvetenskapskursen har precis lika många kvinnliga och manliga studenter."
I think this citation catches what is really important in the debate on gender equality. Annika Dahlström, a former professor of histology at the Göteborg University, wrote a book a while ago called Könet sitter i hjärnan, or The Brain Decides about Sex. The book displayed what was different between the sexes. Such biological differences prove that a 50/50 perspective is plain false. Dahlström was ciriticised pointing this out.
However, as Per Schlingmann and Hilllevi Engström points out in another article in SvD today it is essential to work towards equal pay for equal work even if I don't believe in quotations. Weimer's gender equality is probably more European and American than that of (M) and (S) and an obvious question that pops up is whether Sweden is on a path that never will be walked by the US and the majority of EU countries or whether Sweden will become a "föregångsland" in gender equality. Trimming the welfare state to an optimum might entail getting all female intellects in play, then saying that an intelligent mistress/master of the house is not really in play?
PS and HE writes that "En helt central frihetsfråga är att såväl kvinnor som män måste kunna leva på sin lön", or " a central question of freedom is that women like men must be able to support themselves on a salary". If I understand this correctly, this would mean that (M) is discarding the old core family with one bread winner completely, at the same time as a house wife or man would not be free in a harmonious relation with a spouse. Such a comment must be regarded as an over-kill, or "förmynderi".
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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