Gunnar Hökmark » Arkiv » Ett Gott Nytt År!: "I Afrika och i Asien ser vi de politiska konsekvenserna av ett ekonomiskt allt mäktigare Kina, de investeringar som görs i Europa av såväl Kina som Ryssland, med i båda fallen ägande nära kontrollerat av den politiska makten ger nya intressen och nya säkerhetspolitiska utmaningar. Ryssland står med Gazprom närmare Europas centrum i dag än vad Sovjetunionen någonsin gjorde med militär förmåga."
I think Hökmark is making a very important point in this paragraph of his latest blog post. It is understandable that Western press is emphasizing the terrorist bit now when there is desperate need for a reinforced support for the Afganistan war, however, over all it has since 9/11 been reasonably stable on this front. Obama have had Fort Hood and an aborted flight 253 attempt but feel free to compare this with Finland.
The fascist style retaliation against the Muhammad caricature painter is really bothersome in principle but a professional police act abolished the threat. Both in Europe and in the US the protection systems can't be said to be entiredly dyfunctional. What fascinates me is how these few terrorists are undressing Westerners at airports, now seemingly down to the last thread. Muslim fundamentalists must feel very content. 100 nicabs in Denmark against all travelers in airports.
No, I refuse to sing the song we are terrorised by terrorists. The situation seems to be very much under control.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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