Dick Erixon — I hjärtat rebell: "Störst effekt har nihilismen haft på välfärdsstaten. När bidragssystem av olika slag byggdes upp under 1900-talet fanns den gamla moralen kvar om att det var fel att kräva bidrag, det var något som kom i fråga i yttersta nödfall när alla andra vägar prövats. Men efter 1968 fick nihilismen genomslag också i medborgarnas tänkande, och då började man kräva bidrag, eftersom det ju fanns bidragssystem att mjölka."
From reading his blog I have found that Erixon is apparently a conservative who think crime should be punished harder and possibly in younger years. He wants immigrants to assimilate completely to preserve what he believes is the Swedish character. But I did not know that he was also a cynic that believes that people on welfare live on other peoples expenses just because they are mean and lazy.
Charlie Weimers, the leader of the youth organization of Kristdemokraterna, and Erixon apparently seem to believe that all people in a country are able to take responsibility for their lives. This is in all probability not a correct assumption and amounts to a lack of empathy.
There has been a lot of writings about a party lately that is rather small and that some people believe have the potential of growing extensively which seems unrealistic. It seems Kristdemokraterna is and will be a small party. My question has been if it is not time to fuse the four right wing parties to an alliance. The points recently given by Poirier Martinsson seems to be valid for many different parties and I don't see how they would define a functional party by themselves. In his case it would be necessary to have a charismatic leader to join all these people under one banner.
Henrik Oscarsson has a graph of the polls on KD since 2006 and one finds a negative trend from 5% down to 4%. I agree with PJ Linder that this should not be the reason for joining forces in an alliance of the four parties but a more compelling reason is that there are simply not so many large differences among these entities to risk loosing governance 2010. Especially since the Left party is involved in the Red-Green alliance. Another reason would be that the Centerparti is also on a low negative trend risking a below 4% result in the election 2010.
Roland Poirier Martinsson's population also seems to passive. I lack the entrepreneurial spirit and risktaking ability that would characterize a viable concept. I don't know why he is including snuff in this picture. Maybe to see if someone is ridiculous enough to discuss it? I think EU is right on snuff. The stuff is disgusting and it is good that they stop it.
Another characteristic of the conservative Erixon is that he dislikes the media or "tyckareliten" or "mediavänstern". Too moral apparently. The question is how he can claim this when he himself wants to tell people what is right and wrong. Erixon is perhaps a little too much black or white in his writings?
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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I Quadragesimo Anno av Pope Pius XI förekommer den mest citerade katolska versionen av subsidiaritets principen. Texten lyder ”Det är orättfärdigt, av ondo, och störande av rätt ordning att en överordnad och större instans tillskanskar sig uppgifter vilka kan utföras effektivt av lägre och mindre instanser”
Skriften kom till som en reaktion på den stora depressionen och förordade inrättandet av en social ordning baserad på subsidiaritetsprincipen. Här uttrycks den europeiska civilisationens utmärkande drag – religionsfrihet, konstnärlig frihet, akademisk frihet, och näringsfrihet.
Politiken är inte alltid överordnad. Den skall inte styra religion, konst, vetenskap, industri och handel; de senare skall i görligaste mån styra sig själva.
Kristdemokratin i ett nötskal!
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