Vad är socialdemokrati? - .: "Vi socialdemokrater anser att frihet förutsätter jämlikhet. Jämlikhet innebär att alla människor, oavsett vad, ska ges samma möjlighet att forma sitt eget liv och påverka sitt samhälle. Denna jämlikhet förutsätter givetvis att människor har rätt att välja och utvecklas olika, men utan att dessa olikheter leder till en del människors underordning eller klyftor mellan människor i fråga om makt och inflytande."
This is complete nonsense. I got curious about how the Social Democrats define freedom after reading that Mona Sahlin says that freedom concerns welfare in Anna König Jerlmyrs blog. I do believe that preventing poverty gives peace of mind to people that in this sense can be called more free. However, freedom does not require "jämlikhet" or equality defined as in this text, i.e., as some miraculous equalizer that rends all men on the same level and non-dependent on each other.
To start with freedom does not mean the same thing for all people. There are leaders and there are followers, for example. They claim that "people should have the right to choose and to develop differently" but the way they have set up the school system demonstrates that the don't live like they teach. Jan Björklund have changed that to the better now. He finally put Procrustes, the bandit from Attica, to rest.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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