Charlemagne's notebook The Economist: "The eurozone is in a moment of historic flux. Mr Cameron made it clear several times that Britain had no intention of being drawn closer to the euro, though he made the case that the euro's stability was of vital importance to Britain, as a major trading partner. This was not a meeting between members of a single political family, but a polite encounter between new neighbours."
The Times called the meeting between David Cameron and Angela Merkel frosty. After all, Cameron had gone to Paris first. Perhaps because Merkel had not wanted to meet with Cameron at a visit in London which Sarkozy had done. Merkel apparently is more sour for the Tory elopement from the EU parliament EPP group. The ruling society of the Continent.
I had a feeling that prior to the €750bn bail-out EU was in a fragmented stage. The outgoing German EU commissioner Günter Verheugen, who had spent 10 years at the Commission, said when he left that the EU had no vision for Europe. There is no consensus among the 27 nations. Now, all of a sudden there is talk of an economic government of the Euro zone. Cameron, however, wants nothing to do with Euroland.
The problem I have with The Continent is that it is very much "the lid on". If it wasn't for the Anglo-Saxon press, I personally would not know much about its business. The Swedish press writes very little about Germany and France as well. Nothing about Poland. The Swedish blogosphere is probably close to en par with the frequency of interest--very important-- for foreign policy in Europe of 1-2% according to the EUrobarometer. There is very little information to come by. Thus it takes time to get a feel for what is going on.
So what is happening? Well, searching the internet for post-EU-politics does not yield much. I have a distinct feeling, however, that this is what we have to start pondering. Take Verheugen's word for it. I have changed my mind on the peace issue. I do not think an-ever-closer-union is necessary for peace. Being subjungated under Germany is worse. Germanization of Europe is probably not possible. English as an enforced second language was not possible either. A prerequisite for further integration. Right now the EU in general and the euro zone in particular stand before the decision of accepting Germany as ruler in an economic government. "Do what they say"?
As I said, I don't think that the communitarian Europe needs that boss. Therefore we will see more fragmentation and the dissolution of the eurozone. The fragments will be more stable though and therefore more peaceful. Some people say that there would be chaos in Europe if the euro zone was brought down. There are signs that Germany is working of making an "orderly" transit in the name of "stability".
Returing a moment to Verheugen's judgment, there are probably visions for Europe. The problem is, however, when it is not possible to verbalize such visions in public.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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