If you wonder why American Foreign Policy is ruled by women lately, the Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, Anne-Marie Slaughter, has the answer. Men form hierarchies and women form flat networks where the most connected has most power. That is some political science for you.
If you browse through Slaughters videos you find a strategy for US not to end up in a power hierachy under China in the future. Becoming the most popular and most contacted nation. The place where all the talent still will go. Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan apparently wants the democracy of the US but the economy of China. We will se what the world will want to have.
"Gather from far every ray of various genius to your hospitable halls" as Ralph Waldo Emerson said". He contemplated a solution for Americas backward placement compared to Europe at the time. I guess its all a matter of the hospitality?
President Obamas foreign policy is therefore the "outstreched hand". What would interest me to know is whether men also can form flat networks or if its only women that by nature has been endowed with this gift. There is the problem with the blustering.
The flat network model is what seems popular for the global world right now. No one wants America to lead anymore. Americas enemies, as well as those of Sweden, are organizations like Människoförstörelsebolaget, or Human Destruction Inc., i.e., organizations that destroy connections in the network. When the smoke clears I believe the US will be most popular.
David Brooks at The New York Times have been returning to thoughts on the problem of the community vs. the individual. He recently argued that there has been too much talk about the individual. People keep organizing themselves individually though. Not in collectives even if they are networked. Apparently the typical individual has about 5 close friends and up to 150 friends on Facebook, so to speak. Hmm...
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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