David Brooks at nytimes.com writes a column today called The Long Way Home where he buries freedom and individualism for community and order. Does he want the Republican party to turn into CDU of Germany?
Freedom and individuality does not resonate with people anymore. At least not in the large cities where the Republicans are getting beaten badly, says Brooks. The column seems to be like the discussion between Johan Norberg and Roland Poirier Martinsson the other week here in Sweden. Classical Liberalism versus Conservatism.
However, I don't understand how you get community and order without freedom and individualism which spell entrepreneurism that creates jobs. PJ Anders Linder pointed out that one needs both isms. He might be right.
I guess Brooks is tired of the Rush Limbaughs of the party since he is a moderate himself. The situation is reverse in Sweden where the Social Democrats are in the position of the Republicans and have lost the center position. Talking Socialism with the Left Party.
In Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldts skill as a leader, like that of Barack H. Obama, is compared favourably with the opposition. They call it "regeringsduglighet" or competence for governance. The Republicans should probably get together a shadow government, like the one in Great Britain, with which they can prove competence. Team up behind a new leader non-ideologically like Obama.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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