The Weekly Address of President Obama points to Clean Energy and Healthcare as the two pillars of a new foundation for the US. I guess the EU has a decent healthcare and therefore only has one pillar of a new foundation, i.e., clean energy.
Sweden, on the contrary, has pretty clean energy. At least comparatively speaking. We are 50/50 hydroelectric and nuclear with some wind. Should Sweden, despite its advanced position, still work for cleaner energy? In other words, are there any other challenges for the Western Civilization today?
Could Sweden use its forward position on energy to get ahead somewhere else? To lead the Western Civilization.
Experience from the last 18 years tells me that there is a crisis on which there is very little discussion in the press. How people organize themselves. The US have a president, judiciary and congress and one language. The EU needs a president, but doesn't have one language to elect it with, so instead a more convoluted system is in place. Some say mysterious others call it a miracle.
Based on my own experience of 18 years Sweden is ruled by Human Destruction Inc. Ordinary people can't talk about what is essential in life because of fear. How about improving how we are governed as a challenge for our civilization? If my experience is what it seems, this is more urgent than the climate worries.
Yesterday SVT aired a one hour program about Obamas career. His career is a statement of sorts. Of course, it's the American Dream. However, it is also a statement against a new form of nobility or royalism. The civil rights movement has gotten a new meaning. What, for example, is the meaning of the title of his book The Audacity of Hope. Is it, there is hope if you are brave? Will Sweden become the first new land of the free and the home of the brave?
Obama says in his Weekly Address that he believes more in reaching out over a divide than shaking one's fists across it. The SVT program contained comments as to this principle. They claimed that one of Obamas fallacies is that he believes he can get more people together than is possible. My question in my last post is however if he is going for a constitutional change in the US. If he, like Fareed Zakaria, believes the political system in the US is too old. Obama is for an empathic supreme court judge, i.e., he wants to give interpretative freedom to the judges.
Swedes have recently really engaged themselves in the integrity of man. Almost in an idealistic fashion. They have so far lost against the pragmatists, as Dick Erixon pointed out Swedes generally does when he discussed the "revolutionary" events in 1809. However, a clear and present danger to our civilization are the restrictions on the integrity of the mind that I have experience with.
To free the minds from unnecessary interference is a clear important goal for mankind. A hurdle we must pass. Sweden might be a good place to make progress. People might be too busy elsewhere.
A fitting remark is the following citation that illuminates the threat we face:
"Their's is a world without light, their all-encompassing hatred a repudiation of any saving grace. Their victory would impose a new Dark Age, but this time perhaps an endless one. They are enemies of the future itself"
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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