Paul Krugman writes today about Empires of Carbon and concludes that also China has to contribute to improving the environment.
As Krugman points out China is now the country with the highest exhaust of carbondioxide. USA is highest on per capita data. Fareed Zakaria pointed out that between 2002 and 2012 China is building 800 coal-fired power plants.
China is a biological force that like an asphalt flower is piercing the ground to reach for the sun. Sure, unless you send in the cavalry, China is going to sustain its growth to any price, no matter how much morals you push them with. At least according to the report from ECFR from my recent posts. And then there is India and Brazil...
Krugman says that he has seen the future and he claims it will not work. There are people who say we are too late and that there is going to be an environmental catastrophy. Then there are those that claims we will scrape by if we step on the brakes. I myself have the opinion that the planet will hold the globalization and that what we do without hysteria will do to protect it. What I would like to see is a poll that ask these questions.
However, I found a poll where 41% of Americans think media exaggerates data on global warming. 57% think media is correct/underestimating. According to another poll 44% thinks global warming is due to planetary trends, not people. Both polls are from 2009. More people are probably worried in Europe. Margot Wallström, the Swedish EU commissioner, claimed that it is sinful to pollute. I would say it is sinful to pollute unnecessarily.
However, I believe that Krugman is right when he claims that if the US is beginning to take the climate seriously a lot more people are going to follow than if only the EU is active. Some people say that it is worth money to be careful about the climate. I hope they are right.
Did comment on something similar earlier, here.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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