JohanNorberg.Net#3359#3359#3359: "Invandringsfrågan är inte vilken fråga som helst, som man kan kompromissa om hur som helst. Det är en central mätare på var man står i synen på öppenhet, mångfald och gränsöverskridanden."
I agree that the issue of immigration is an important leverage point in the political debate in the EU. I find it strange if Sweden would not afford taking in asylum seekers and obviously admitting as many via "arbetskraftsinvandring" as is possibly possible. Siv Jensen apparently was introduced as someone that is a fan of Ayn Rands Fountainhead. I have not read the book, only about the book, but I don't think Rand is a good prophet for Northern Europe.
Dick Erixon calls Siv Jensen and FrP honorable populism. He is of course a populist in his discussion concerning "verklighetens folk". He is also a populist when it comes to immigration with the argument, now and then, that immigrants often becomes a burden on the welfare state and with the impossible request for absolute integration. However, that is exactly the point, humanism versus clean economics.
"Främlingsfientlighet" is a character that I have gotten the feeling is related to the talk of greater Nordic unionization. It is to me a development like that of the shogunate of Japan long time ago when they shut themselves out of the world for a couple of hundred years. It is for me the opposite to greater incorporation into the EU and to greater things. For me it is a poison for opportunity.
More discussion:
Fredrik Segerfeldt, Dick Erixon, Johnny Munkhammar, Johan Ingerö, Philip Wendahl, Aaron Israelson
Vi måste öka takten för att skydda Europa
1 dag sedan
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