Efter att ha talat med Israelerna fortsatte George W. Bush och Condoleezza Rice vidare till en diskussion med Arabledarna. Bush talade i Sharm el Sheikh, Egypten på the World Economic Forum on the Middle East.
Bush leverar ett enkelt budskap: Vi är också ett religöst land och "we are open for business", samt ett lite mer delikat--hur man kan optimera denna business.
Inför Irak-konferensen i Stockholm den 29 maj är det kanske detta citat som belyser situationen bäst:
"The vision I have outlined today is shared by many in this region -- but unfortunately, there are some spoilers who stand in the way. Terrorist organizations and their state sponsors know that they cannot survive in a free society, so they create chaos and take innocent lives in an effort to stop democracy from taking root. They are on the wrong side in a great ideological struggle -- and every nation committed to freedom and progress in the Middle East must stand together to defeat them."
Utvecklingen i de fria demokratierna kommer troligtvis att motivera ungdomen i Mellan Östern som Bush påpekar:
"The changes I have discussed today will not come easily -- change never does. But the reform movement in the Middle East has a powerful engine: demographics. Sixty percent of the population is under 30 years old. Many of these young people surf the web, own cell phones and satellite televisions, and have access to unprecedented amounts of information. They see what freedom has brought to millions of others and contrast that to what they have at home."
Bush avslutar med följande fras som poängterar den biologiska grundvalen för Political Science:
"This vision is the same one I outlined in my address to the Israeli Knesset. Yet it is not a Jewish vision or a Muslim vision, not an American vision or an Arab vision. It is a universal vision, based on the timeless principles of dignity, tolerance, and justice -- and it unites all who yearn for freedom and peace in this ancient land. Realizing this vision will not be easy. It will take time, and sacrifice, and resolve. Yet there is no doubt in my mind that you are up to the challenge -- and with your ingenuity, enterprise, and courage, this historic vision for the Middle East will be realized. May God be with you on the journey. America always will be. Thank you."
Jimmy Carter
4 dagar sedan
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