Läser med glädje i nyheterna på sistone att Sverige skall börja erkänna att talangfulla individer i naturvetenskap, precis som idrottsmän, skall samlas i klasser för optimal stimulans. Det måste ju betraktas som väldigt viktigt att sådana individer får träffas tidigt och utvecklas tillsammans.
De efterlängtade förändringar som regeringen nu genomför i utbildningsväsendet kommer kanske att bli det viktigaste de gjort under sin första mandatperiod. Åtminstone om man får tro den Amerikanska Utrikesministern Condoleezza Rice.
I en diskussion på Googles Huvudkontor i Californien nyligen säger hon nämligen:
"And the final point I'd make is, as an American, I am not at all fearful of competition. But the United States has to recognize that perhaps our most serious national - national security challenge may be in providing an educational system that makes it possible for Americans born right down the road here in Mountain View, or born across the Bay in east Oakland, to acquire the skills and the education that's going to make it possible for them to compete. Because I can - I can assure you if we don't provide that, if it ever becomes the case that it's no longer true in America that it didn't matter where you came from, it only matters where you're going - if we ever lose that, which is essentially at the core of who we are, then we are going to be fearful and we are going to be protectionist and we are going to try to hang on to that little piece of the economy that we have."
Jimmy Carter
4 dagar sedan
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