När man inte vill stå för sin egen politik SvD: "Om lagstiftaren ogillar resultatet av gällande lagstiftning, löser man inte det problemet genom att försöka göra det enklare att inrätta ett liv utanför lagen. Att förespråka linjer och lagar som går stick i stäv med varandra är ogenomtänkt"
What should Cecilia Malmström have done? I listened to a radio program yesterday called 'Konflikt' on 'Program 1'. I don't envy Malmström. They talked about the southern frontier of the EU where hundreds of thousand people come each year to apply for asylum and how this totally overloads the countries in question. Apparently they have started to discuss whether to change the Dublin rule of returning any foreigner that is found to the country they first arrived at. These prospective immigrants die like flies on boats nearing the shore of their promised land, victims of ruthless people smugglers.
With a more nationalistic approach there is still the question of perhaps not having a too black and white view on the matter. It all seems to depend on the numbers of people involved. The situation in Sweden seems to be extremely much more favorable than for example in Greece. It is important for the work of Malmström that Sweden set an example as a humanitarian nation so that a reasonable coordination of all the policies of the 27 EU countries can be performed.
I think the problem of giving people without papers the right to health care is easy when the numbers are down and the relative wealth of the nation is grand. They should of course have that right.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan