Sverigedemokraterna - "Brottsligheten är hög, antalet missbrukare bli större och sjukskrivningarna är snart flest i världen. Sverige är ett sjukt samhälle, därför att medborgarna inte trivs. Bara en nationalistisk politik kan ge den trygghet och den omtanke som minskar kriminaliteten, får bort drogerna och ger de sjuka livslusten åter"
The question is what this party would do as a leading government party. Send all non-aryan people back (not home)? Apparently Sweden is a sick society due to immigrants.
Well, Europe is polarizing with Turkish, Arabic and Persian immigration. It is to be expected that SD is going to grow more in Sweden. My conclusion is that we have to get used to this and learn to coexist. I believe in multiculturalism. The question is if we are going to learn anything from the US where they have a black President and a latina Supreme Court Justice. Turks are faring very badly in Germany, for example. There are many third generation Turks that are not citizens yet. Anti-semitism is back in most European countries as well.
So what can be done to prevent further sympathies for SD? A good advise is probably for immigrants to integrate as much as possible. Acceptance for non-identical race immigrants comes one outstanding person at the time, like with Obama and Sotomayor. It is a slow process. I was an immigrant in the US myself once. Assimilation of values is perhaps most important. However, it is also important to recognize that a country and its values change with immigration. Hopefully in the end we reach homogeneity to a greater extent in Europe even if the cultural mix is quite extraordinary.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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