”Majoritetsbeslut i EU behövs för demokratin” - DN.se: "För det andra leder enhällighetskravet till uppgörelser inom lyckta dörrar. Insynen uteblir och med den medborgarnas möjlighet att utkräva ansvar av undflyende makthavare (som i dagens EU)."
If this is correct, it is a very interesting argument for the Lisbon Treaty. Another thing Lewin says is also very intriguing. He claims the increased knowledge level of the population is the reason for the increased nationalism, if I understand him correctly. That is surprising to me, since I would have believed that increased knowledge would result in the appreciation of greater prosperity, greater security and relevance of the country in question via EU on the global arena.
In Sweden this can be inferred from an increase in the participation in the EU parliament elections. Is increased knowledge in the population really the reason for the recent eurosceptiscism? The interest in participation in the EU parliament elections have also levelled out. The average did not move significantly lower this time even if scepticists made a lot of noise about it.
Greater knowledge might even make people appreciate the competence of the elites in EU? Rather than create animosities. Greater knowledge often result in the acquisition of a second or third language that makes a person feel more European. It is also easier to understand that we need an EU elite that can deal with elites from China, India, Japan, and USA.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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