Startsidan - Centerpartiet: "Vi vill ha ett öppet samhälle, dels i form av en human och ansvarsfull integrationspolitik, dels i form av försvar av människors integritet. Det handlar också om att skapa värderingar som gör oss öppna för omvärlden."
I found this on the web site of Centerpartiet. They want to connect with the world by adapting our values. This is progressive and it is disheartening to realize that Centerpartiet is one of the smaller two parties. Kristdemokraterna probably agree more with Reinfeldt so Centerpartiet might be the only one that don't want to behave like an ostrich in Alliansen. Folkpartiet might, however, since they are pro-EU and pro-EMU.
The Arab world seems very resistant to learning from the West. They translate very few books into Arabic which would affect values of their society. We do translate a lot and also import other forms of culture. It seems to me very reasonable to assume that we will over time develop more universal values that makes it possible for us to better compete in a globalized world.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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