”Så blir du säker i den osäkra klimatdebatten” - DN.se: "De vetenskapliga frågorna om hur klimatet påverkas av koldioxidutsläpp kan för tillfället inte avgöras med säkerhet. Den diskussion vi kan föra handlar om hur vi praktiskt ska hantera situationen trots frånvaron av säker kunskap"
Sweden with its energy supply satisfied by hydroelectric and nuclear power is in a position to risk moralizing countries that have to rely on environmentally more dirty energy sources. We should refrain from such a mistake. An other down side of the climate debate is the attempts trying to moralize on the cause of our present situation.
What is more important is to act on the notion that it a priori is bad to pollute Earth irrespective of who is to blame for global warming, Man or Nature. However, returning to the neolithical caves is not an option. We will find solutions to our present problems.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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