John David Lewis: Health Care, Why Call it a 'Right'?: "These two concepts of rights -- rights as the right to liberty, versus rights as the rights to things -- cannot coexist in the same respect at the same time. If I claim that my right to life means my right to medicine, then I am demanding the right to force others to produce the values that I need. This ends up being a negation of personal sovereignty, and of individual rights."
This definition of liberty, not being able to provide for the health of others, thus generating a right, is interesting, because it goes against the biology of giving which is liberating. Doing good deeds stimulates the pleasure center in the brain. Thus it is liberating.
Providing for health care, i.e., morally declaring it a right is enhancing liberty. It does not limit it.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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