I'm against euthanasia. The main reason is that I believe that people want life and if they end up with problems of pain there is help for this. This sounds like being against free choice but really isn't. Most non-depressed people want to live when push comes to showe if pain can be removed and if they are not made feeling in the way of others.
In the US the debate of "pulling the plug on grandma" has evolved quickly now during the health insurance debate. Health care in the US takes 16% of GDP now and might take 22% in 2020 compared to 10% in Sweden. They call this skyrocketing health care costs. The republicans then brought up the euthanasia debate as scaring tactics, strangely enough, since Obama says he will prevent the very skyrocketing in question.
The debate should be vigorous in Europe also with its aging population and disappearing tax base. Will the "ättestupa" return, i.e., the ancient group pressure to terminate one's life by jumping a cliff as old and demanding on their peers. Old people are precious and should be taken well care off. They have worked all life for others. It is also possible to help people with for example stroke patients these days with mental stimulation in many cases.
Personally, I would like to demand from the leaders of Sweden to disclose who they are in society that can take people's lives clandestinely by simulating well known and prevalent disease states. The perfect crime! It is time to talk about this!
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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