Exambassadör sågar svensk pressfrihet - Sverige - Sydsvenskan - Nyheter dygnet runt: "Hur tidningarna - med 'de fyra stora' menas troligen Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen - skulle vara knutna till socialdemokratin eller fackföreningsrörelsen förklarar inte Zvi Mazel i artikeln. Landsorganisationen, LO, var tidigare storägare i Aftonbladet och äger numera nio procent av tidningen. Resten ägs av den norska mediekoncernen Schibsted, som även äger Svenska Dagbladet. DN och Expressen ägs av Bonnierkoncernen (som även äger Sydsvenskan)."
It seems to me that the question now is if there is a power system that can infringe on the owner's prerogative on the employees? Does Social Democrats have means to influence people despite the fact that their salary comes from elsewhere?
In my experience there are at least two ways of doing this. I have had my own money, which would make me in theory an employee of whichever newspaper, but people tries to influence me via charades and imagery on the Internet as well as with TTDE. What I have called Human Destruction Inc. have a lot of supposed dirt on me that they try to use. However, in my case it does not work because it is untrue but I can imagine that such a technique can be very successful on guilty people.
TTDE works on me however. The other night I was not allowed to sleep and for at least an hour I was made nauseous. I was also given a pressure headache. Many people would think twice before they ignore such steering attempts.
The question is now up for further debate. Or is Zvi Mazel right on the short duration of debate issue as well?
"Olaga hot" och integrity breeching TTDE are criminal methods. Are we living in a Criminocracy?
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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