M siktar på lång regeringsmakt Inrikes SvD: "Vår ambition med Föregångslandet Sverige är inte att Sverige ska bli ett annat land. Vi går inte till andra länder för att finna de värderingar vi vill ska känneteckna Sverige. Den bästa grunden för våra ambitioner och våra idéer finns här hemma, sade Reinfeldt"
I see. The thing with EU is over. I don't think this way because I have been abroad working for 10 years. I think we have a lot to learn from other people and other cultures. Also from cultures that immigrate to Sweden. This is especially true for the future in a globalized world. It could even be so that Sweden have to change a little to accommodate its new position in the world?
If the politicians don't realize this, they might find that the people is going to get the stimulation themselves due to the new information highways. Sorry, this message was to reactionary and nationalistic for me. The conservative-liberal party has become the conservative only?
We are good on energy and we have the welfare state, the latter which supposedly is from around here, but ideas on how we are going to afford to continue having a welfare state would have been interesting to hear from the leadership. It is not the jobs or work for the kids. It is about what they are actually going to do, then they will work just fine.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
1 dag sedan
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