Donald Boström om hur palestinier anklagar Israels armé för att stjäla kroppsdelar från sina offer. Kultur Aftonbladet: "Jag var i området och arbetade med en bok när jag ett antal gånger blev kontaktad av FN-anställda som var oroade över utvecklingen. De som kontaktade mig menade att organstöld faktiskt ägde rum, men att de var förhindrade att agera. På uppdrag av ett tv-bolag reste jag därefter runt och talade med ett stort antal palestinska familjer på Västbanken och Gaza som menade att deras söner blivit bestulna på organ innan de dödades."
Yes, Donald Boström, a freelance journalist, writes that he talked to Palestinian families that claim that their sons had been abducted alive, their organs stolen, and then killed. this is of course what happens if you talk to people where 50% think it is OK to suicide bomb Israel, as the Palestinians do. It demonstrates that there is a war going on between Israel and Palestine. If people like Palestinians they want to investigate this further and if you are for the Israelis you think the story is ludicrous. I'm for Israel. Interestingly, the US and the EU are placed in between Israel and Palestine and this creates a situation where an article of this sort becomes highly volatile.
There has been a lot written on this the last couple of days and Carl Bildt wrote on his blog what I also think. You can write an article in this country of this nature due to the freedom of speech and we don't accept that Israel tells the Swedish state to stop this kind of journalism. However, I myself also sympathize with the Swedish Ambassador to Israel, Elisabeth Borsiin Bonnier, who condemned the article. I think it is bad taste to write such proposals in the way that the article is written. A belittling and sensationalistic style. It is perfectly OK for UD to express that they don't like the article even if they don't close down Aftonbladet.
Gäst i Morgongänget: Vad vill M?
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